We provide 80+ Tools & Trainings for managers and collaborators

In A4ManagementTools, we offer intuitive digital tools that make complex management tasks more efficient by converting them into concise one-page documents. These tools, enriched with procedures, training and examples, improve employee autonomy and management perception.


Imagine delegating 1 task in 5 minutes, using 1 A4 sheet containing procedure and instructions. Imagine consulting the progress 24/7 and presenting the results with the same document, with just 1 click and without rearranging the content.
Welcome to A4ManagementTools.

Marco Cerulli CEO & FOUNDER

Mission and Impact

Our mission is to reduce the effort of Managers and Teams by 80%. We achieved this by starting with one-page communication tools into which we integrated proven procedures.
We later enriched these templates with 10K+ tips on how to proceed, advanced techniques and risks and remedies based on AI.

  • The distinctive feature of A4ManagementTools lies in their ease of use, made possible by a common logical structure that, through a single document, allows for giving instructions, delegating, integrating results, and presenting them without needing to reorganize data.

  • Today, a manager can delegate a task and, in turn, present the results using the same tool. It was not difficult, but it needed to be thought.

Problems we have encountered and solved

As business management strategy consultants, we encountered multiple organisational challenges, including the difficulty of executives in delegating, frequent interruptions of managers, the use of uncoordinated management techniques, and the failure to transfer know-how to the organisation. We found the frequent dispersion of key information, the time it takes to reorganise data, the lack of cooperation with partners on shared documents, and the high time and cost of transferring training into working practice.

Through the A4ManagementTools we have solved these problems and are proud to be available online soon.

Founder at Marco Cerulli Consulting

Marco Cerulli

"A4ManagementTools is a service of Marco Cerulli Consulting, a Swiss business management strategy organization. We have been offering A4ManagementTools in many organizations since 2016. Since 2018, they have been part of the Master's program for executive officers in the administration of the Canton of Ticino and the Swiss University of Applied Science (SUP) postgraduate education."

A4ManagementTools is loved and trusted by our partners:

All we do is dream and project amazing tools

We are passionate about transforming complex tasks into ready-to-use, one-page tools.

Marco Cerulli

Founder and CEO

Marco Sepe

IT Manager


Software Engineer


Associate Customer Success Manager


Associate Customer Success Manager


Associate Promoter


Associate Promoter

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